Intramural Soccer
NorthStar Intramural teams play other NorthStar teams and don't compete against teams from other clubs. Currently, NorthStar Intramural is available for ages 4K through 5th grade (but 5th graders with soccer experience are recommended to register for a Club Team).

U6 2023-2024 Pictures Top Right

U8 2023-2024 Pictures Left Middle

U10 2023-2024 Pictures Bottom Right
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost?
The cost for NorthStar Intramural soccer is $50 for the season for U6 & U8. $70 for U10/U11. We offer payment plans on the fee if needed and reduced rates in some cases.
What equipment is needed?
Parents need to purchase a soccer ball (size 3 for U6 & U8 -- size 4 for U10-U12), soccer cleats, shin guards & soccer socks and a water bottle. Used cleats are available for those who require financial assistance. We have a limited number of shin guards for those who need them.
Is there a uniform?
Players will receive a NorthStar jersey to wear on game days. Black shorts & black socks are recommended but not required.