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Policies for the Summer/Fall 2020 for opening the soccer program during the Coronavirus Pandemic


NorthStar Soccer takes the dangers of coronavirus very seriously. We understand the dangers of spreading the virus through both large group gatherings and close physical contact – both of which happen at youth soccer games. We also know that the physical, emotional and social health of our children depend on opportunities for fun and engaging athletic enterprise and that academic learning is strongly impacted by a loss of such opportunities. Therefore, we are convinced that providing a Fall soccer season with strict and careful adherence to the State of Alabama Department of Public Health guidelines is the right course for our organization as we continue to serve the youth of the City of Birmingham and surrounding areas.


This policy will be in effect for the Fall 2020 season until further notice


  • All parents and players are required to sign the Alabama Soccer Association “Communicable Disease, Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement” before players participate in NorthStar Soccer activities.

  • Only players and coaches are to be on the soccer field (inside the fence) during team practices. Parents are encouraged to stay in their cars during team practices. After practice players should immediately leave the field and go straight to cars.

  • Social distancing should be carefully observed by fans during games with groups from different households keeping a distance of 6 feet from each other on the sidelines.

  • Policies for Players & Parents

    • Should have no signs or symptoms associated with Covid-19 for 14 days before participating in any team activities and no known exposure to someone with Covid-19 for 14 days before participating.

    • Parents are requested to limit travel outside of the metro area beginning 14 days before youth participating in soccer activities and continuing through the end of the season.

    • Players are requested to bring their own face masks and to wear them when not actively participating in team training or games. Additional safety measures requested by parents for their individual children will be allowed if at all possible.

    • Players must enter through the marked entrance gate and exit through the marked exit gate (might not be in place for practice sessions but will be for games). A temperature check will be administered and a questionnaire regarding COVID-19 exposure will be conducted before every practice and game before players are able to enter the field.

    • Players must bring their own soccer ball, water bottle and any other item needed for practice.

    • Players should wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer upon entering the field and as leaving the field.

    • Parents should contact NorthStar immediately if their player, themselves or anyone in contact with the player tests positive for Covid-19.

  • Policies for Coaches

    • Coaches should follow the above player policies and,

    • Wear face mask at all times when players are on the field (unless actively participating in activity)

    • Keep 6’ of distance between themselves and players if at all possible.

    • Pinnies (practice jerseys) will not be used unless the coach can be certain that each pinnie will be handled by only one player during the practice.

    • Handling the ball is unavoidable in soccer activities (but NorthStar will work to minimize it). All players will be required to use hand sanitizer (provided by NorthStar) at the end of every practice and game. Coaches must enforce and monitor this critically important policy.

    • NorthStar will schedule practice sessions and games with fewer teams/players on the field at one time than normal in order to minimize contact

    • NorthStar may suspend teams or the whole program out of concern for contact if we learn of cases that put others at risk

NorthStar COVID-19 'Return to Play' policy has been developed in coordination with State & National guidelines. The following links will take you directly to those guidelines-


State of Alabama Guidelines for Adult & Youth Athletic Activities


US Youth Soccer Return to Activity Notice (refer to 'Phase 3' section)


Parents of participating players and players themselves will need to sign the Alabama Soccer Association's Communicable Disease Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement before participating in any NorthStar Soccer activities.

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